Tuesday, June 27, 2017

Ten Things... to do in the shower (apart from bathing!!)

So let's face it, if you were to calculate how much time we spend in the shower, it's a lot! Seven days times at least a shower or two every day, maybe fifteen minutes each. It's literally hours every week.  I'm a busy mom and every minute I can steal from something to multitask gives me more hours in the day, sort of! I often try to use my showering time to do other things and so here's a list of some of them:
  1. I take the opportunity in the shower to do some simple exercises! My favorite are standard barre moves.  It takes minimal room and time to do some easy barre exercise like these. Another favorite of mine are simple lunges or going on point to releve. Doing a couple sets of each is a very productive way to wait those several minutes while the conditioner does its thing in your hair!
  2. Exfoliate!  Keep the product in your shower and if you have a few minutes extra, try exfoliating any area where hair grows! This will help eliminate in-grown hairs and promote follicular health
  3. Grab that scrub brush and scrub down the grout here and there in the shower, between soaping yourself. It will make keeping your shower scum free that much easier!
  4. Use this time of quiet to find your zen. Try some slow exaggerated breathing. Close your eyes and find your happy place. A few minutes each day of quiet meditation is great for mental health.
  5. Have you ever tried warming up your vocal chords? Ok we are not all professional singers but the steamy warm air is the greatest place to hum, practice a tune or do your vocal scales.  It keeps the voice box warm and in tune!
  6. Meal plan.  I usually spend a couple minutes in the shower mentally planning out the household meals for the next few days, even the week.  Then as soon as I jump out of the shower, I jot it down so I don't forget.  This is a great way to multitask something that has to be done during the week anyway.
  7. Grab those makeup brushes and clean them while you shower!  The best product for cleaning your make-up brushes are actually just water and a mild soap like baby shampoo - which is perfect!  Make sure you take a small bowl, wash cloth or sponge into the shower to help. And in case you did't know, make up brushes should be cleaned every week, especially if you use them daily.  Not cleaning them leads to cross-contamination, build up of bacteria and potentially harming your skin and face.
  8. Cut your nails.  Grab those nail clippers and give yourself a trim while in the shower. The warm water makes your skin nails super soft and easy to cut, and allows the cuticle and hang nails to soften for grooming too. Just remember the following: it's best to dry your nail clippers after. The water can rust them and also promote bacteria, even dulling the blades.  Also, you may want to use a wash cloth to collect the trimmings so that you can properly discard them instead of just washing them down the drain. Yes, they are biodegradable (I suppose eventually!) but I've never been a fan of washing things down the drain that can be discarded.  The drain water filters back either as recycled water or into the rivers and ocean eventually. It's not really the place for nail clippings!
  9. Write a love note to your partner in the steam!
  10. Whiten your teeth! Most tray whitening systems or strips require 10-20 minutes for the treatment to take so what better way to multitask than to pop the whitening tray in your mouth before you shower! By the time you're done with your shower, your teeth will be fresh too!
Well, try out these little tidbits that I do in the shower and enjoy the extra time you've made for yourself in your day!

1 comment:

  1. wow bathing is my favorite time in the day. Its me time! i think i will try out all of the activities listed here in my bath in thsi week
