Friday, September 7, 2012

10 Things: to keep in your car glovebox

Here's a short list of the essentials you should always keep in your car's glovebox.

  1. Your car registration and insurance plus your vehicle owner's manual
  2. A pen and paper
  3. A flashlight
  4. A small first aid kit
  5. At least $50, plus at least $5 in coins (believe me, you will thank me later. I was once with a friend in her car, the fuel gauge alert came on to indicate her fuel was very low. She realized then that she had no money in her bag as her 2 year-old son had pulled her wallet out of her handbag just prior to leaving the house.  The hidden cash in her glovebox really came in handy that day).
  6. A small packet of granola, nuts or a muesli bar
  7. A phone charger compatible for your phone
  8. Hand sanitizer and antibacterial wipes
  9. Tissues
  10. A local map, in case you don't have GPS in your car or in case it fails.

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