Thursday, September 6, 2012

The mess continues!

So firstly, forgive me if my tone is lack-lustre and fatigued but it was another day of me making nice with my bottle of bleach and paper towels. I cleaned up Buttercup's puke FOUR times today. Yes, that's right, FOUR times. I blame it on her newfound "bulimic" tendencies of shoving her hand towards the back of her gums to soothe her achy molar sites.

She vomited on her playmat in the morning, so that went into the wash with Mini-V's bedsheets that she urinated on yesterday (didn't blog about that one, all this happens so often it is almost becoming unremarkable for me). Then not even an hour later, I approach her in the exersaucer (at Mini-V's insistence: "uh-oh! Sister spat up!")... no, it wasn't spit up, it was smelly, curdled white, milk vomit!! All over her face, hands, and literally pooling around her suspended exersaucer seat in a cloudy, salivary mass.  For the second day in a row, I took the seat off and washed it. Now, this seat was never even washed once with Mini-V and yet I must have washed it at least 6 times with my second baby. So bizarre.

The "before" shot....I will save you from the "after" shot.
So everything was quiet on the vomit front (bar a post afternoon-nap episode of diarrhea by Mini-V), I made a delicious pureed dinner of carrots, asparagus, apples and beets.  Buttercup did great - she ate like a champion. And then it started... the hand was going in the mouth, I couldn't stop it. Vomit No. 3 had arrived. It wasn't too bad and it was mostly contained and over as quick as it came. The only thing I really felt sad for was that just five minutes prior Buttercup had been enjoying her dinner and now it was wasted, the food and my efforts.

So I am cleaning up the highchair and I decide to place the baby on the hardwood floor just next to the highchair as I am packing up the food etc. And then I can hear that distinct gagging noise.  It was like a scene unfolding in slow motion.  She must have gagged three times before the fountain of spew erupted from her mouth and spilled over onto the floor. It was the biggest of the day (didn't know she had that much left!) and a lovely burgundy pinkish color that would have made a pretty nail lacquer shade had I not known it was actually vomit. Well, this time it was in her hair and just all over. Just when I was applauding myself for catching her vomit No. 3 in her bib, all my efforts were instantly undone.

Bathtime!!! (and laundry time.... again.)

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